Regulatory Disclosures
Annual Disclosures – Year ending 31st December 2022
Apheleiam Limited (“AL” or “Firm”) is required to make annual disclosures in accordance with MIFIDPRU 8. AL is a SNI firm and its core business involves providing investment advice to professional client. Annual accounts for the year ended 31st December 2022 are unaudited.
Risk Management Objectives
In order to manage risks, management analyses regular management information on the Firm’s financial and operational performance. In addition, management monitors and, if necessary, enhances, the Firm’s Business Model, directs the Internal Capital Adequacy and Risk Assessment (‘ICARA’) process and receives other significant regulatory intelligence which, in aggregate, provide the requisite information to identify trends and issues particularly in relation to:
1. The adequacy of its own funds; and
2. The adequacy of its liquid resources enabling the firm to meet its liabilities as they fall due.
Own Funds as 31st December 2022 (GBP thousands)
Own Funds 70
Tier 1 Capital 70
Additional Tier 1 Capital 0
Tier 2 Capital 0
Composition of Regulatory Own Funds
Total Assets 127
Creditors 57
Total Capital 70
AL is a MIFID investment firm, authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) to carry on the regulated activities of advising on investments, arranging deals in investments and making arrangements with a view to transactions in investments. A consequence of its regulatory status is that the Firm must comply with the relevant provisions of the MIFIDPRU Remuneration Code set out in SYSC 19G of the FCA Handbook, a key element of which is that its remuneration practices are consistent with responsible risk management. AL can confirm that it maintains a Remuneration Policy and that no variable remuneration was paid during 2022.